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What do I need to bring for surfing in Costa Rica?

What do I need to bring for surfing in Costa Rica?

If you’re planning to go surfing in Costa Rica´s waves, it’s important to have the right equipment to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. Whether you’re an experienced surfer or a beginner, this guide will provide you with a list of essential items that you should have in your kit. From the right board to wetsuits and other accessories, we’ll cover everything you need to know to make the most of your time in the water.

Surfboards in different sizes for surfing in Costa Rica´s wavesSurfboard

Firstly, the surfboard is the soul of surfing. Choosing the right one depends on factors such as your skill level, the type of waves you’ll be riding, and personal preferences. Longboards are a popular option for beginners because they provide stability, while shortboards are preferred by advanced surfers for their maneuverability. Take the time to find the perfect board for your style.


Secondly, losing your board in the middle of the ocean is not only frustrating but also potentially dangerous. A leash is a crucial safety accessory, attaching your ankle to the surfboard and preventing it from drifting away. Choose a leash that matches the length of your board for optimal performance.

Surf Wax

Additionally, traction is key to staying upright on the waves, and surf wax provides the necessary grip between your feet and the board. Different waxes are designed for specific water temperatures, so choose accordingly for the best performance.

Tropical Surf wax for surfing in Costa Rica´s waves


Hours in the water expose your skin to harmful UV rays. A waterproof, high SPF sunscreen is crucial to protect against sunburn and long-term skin damage. Opt for a reef-safe sunscreen to minimize your environmental impact.

Natural sun block for surfing in Costa Rica´s waves

Surf Hat

Moreover, shield your face and eyes from the sun’s glare with a comfortable surf hat. A hat with a secure strap will stay in place, even in challenging conditions. Look for materials that dry quickly and provide ventilation to keep you cool.

First Aid Kit

In addition, safety is paramount. Accidents can happen, and having a basic first aid kit in your surf bag can be a lifesaver. Include items like bandages, antiseptic wipes, and any necessary medications to address minor injuries quickly.

Fin Key and Spare Fins

A loose fin can quickly end your surf session. Keep a fin key in your bag for on-the-go adjustments, and consider carrying spare fins in case of breakage. The right fin setup can significantly impact your board’s performance.

Waterproof Watch

Finally, keep track of time and tide with a waterproof watch. Knowing when the best waves are rolling in and monitoring your session duration ensures a safe and enjoyable surf.


Having the appropriate equipment is crucial for a successful and enjoyable surfing experience in Costa Rica´s waves. Regardless of your skill level, investing in high-quality surfing gear can not only improve your performance but also ensure your safety and well-being in the water. So, take some time to gather your surfing gear, apply some wax to your board, and prepare for an incredible surfing session!

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